AI summarizing tools use artificial intelligence to summarize lengthy text in a few seconds. It understands the context of the content and shortens it without losing the intent or main keywords of the content. Both experts and regular people can benefit from it. It can be used to summarize large news stories, reports, research papers, and online books.
This tool can be particularly helpful when you need to quickly grasp the key points of a long piece of text, whether for studying, research, or simply staying informed.
They can easily be accessed and used by any individual. There are multiple websites that offer AI summarizing tools but the top-ranked in the search engine results pages (SERPs) are QuillBot Summarizer and AI Summarizer. Let’s compare the two tools provided by different platforms to check which one is better for your use.
User Interface
The user interface is the appearance of the tool and what it looks like when we see it. It consists of the arrangement, hues, typefaces, images, and general design components that together provide the tool's visual representation. So let’s compare the interface of the two.
UI of QuillBot Summarizer:
UI of AI Summarizer:
Let’s compare them and see which one is better.
Results of UI comparison:
So, it is clear that AI Summarizer is dominating in the User Interface battle.
Result of features comparison:
It is obvious from the comparison of the features of the two that QuillBot Summarizer gets only 1 point which makes it better than its counterpart but AI Summarizer got 3 points. So, it is the winner here.
I will give a sample text to both of the tools to see their performance in summarizing the content. I will judge both on the number of words after summarization.
Result of AI Summarizer’s short summary
It can be seen that the word choice is effective, as it uses simple vocabulary, covers the whole story concisely, and conveys the message with clarity. It uses comparative vocabulary as compared to the input text so that the intent of the content may remain preserved.
Result of QuillBot Summarizer’s short summary:
It can be seen that the word choice is simpler than its counterpart and the number of words are less. It can be sometimes worrisome when important details are simplified and the number of words is less, which can lead to intent loss.
Result of QuillBot Summarizer’s long summary:
The word choice is again very basic as compared to its counterpart. It also summarized the text in less number of words while the summary was intended to be long.
Result of AI Summarizer’s long summary:
It can be seen that the word choice is again efficient and concise with better vocabulary than its counterpart. It also summarized in more number of words as the summary was intended to cover the ideas in more words.
Result of performance comparison:
- Short summary: QuillBot Summarizer wins in short summary with the minimum number of words but the summarized version has a basic vocabulary which may not fully capture the content's original tone and complexity.
- Long Summary: AI Summarizer wins in the long summary with more words than its counterpart, and uses comparative vocabulary to the input text to represent the original content in the summary. It also extends the length of the summary to convey the complete message with all its intent covered.
So, the performance comparison ties if we just consider the word count but the actual winner in the practical use is the AI Summarizer as it covers the intent, vocabulary, and message.
Let’s compare the prices of both tools to see which is better.
Annual pricing of QuillBot Summarizer:
Result of price comparison:
QuillBot is offering a discount for the first year which makes it a winner for just the first year. After that AI Summarizer will take over with more than 1/4th less price than its counterpart.
Final Verdict
There are two summarizers that show up in the top results of search engine results pages (SERPs). After a detailed comparison of both based on factors like user interface (UI), features, performance, and pricing, it is obvious that AI Summarizer dominates its counterpart with more points and distinguishing features.
It dominates the UI with step-by-step details and no information overload, features as it offers variable scale, almost 5 times the word limit as compared to its counterpart, and offers 2 different modes of summarization and 8 different languages.
Quillbot offers less price for the premium version for just one year, after that it becomes ¼ more than its counterpart. So, AI Summarizer is effective in the long term in terms of the premium version. So, it is obvious from the comparison of both tools that AI Summarizer is a winner in this battle.