
Increase more Sales by adapting SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign Product

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Last Updated: September 23, 2024

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The Top-tier solution for constantly engaging with the crucial customers is using the SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign (Premium) product. It accelerates your CRM business by providing ultimate ROI and is sublime to nurture your leads. 

Suppose a few visitors purchase a product from your website for their CRM software. The Drip campaign extension will deliver the “Welcome Email” to all those visitors. Here no manual effort is needed because the emails will be delivered automatically to the visitors. You can shoot the email after 2-3 days to introduce more other products for their CRM business. 

Have you understood the above example? The power of the Email Drip campaign add-on is delivering the exact information to the right audience at the right time

What’s the Most Important Goal you can achieve?

Are you curious to know about that? 

A continuous conversation with the audience. Yes, you heard that right! It is one of the benefits of this email campaign. It raises the level of your business brand and makes delightful relationships with those audiences. If you are not making continuous conversation then it means you are leaving money on the table. Regular conversation with the recipients makes them feel like you keep your promises on the top priority. 

“Watch out 20% Increase in Sales through Drip Email sharing”

Why isn’t a Regular email campaign a Good option?

First off, let us clear to you that regular emails mean sending the emails to the entire audience at once without knowing what they want to hear from you. 

We guess the statement clears you of how it is different from the drip. You can’t hit the mark correctly when you try for regular email. We would also like to unlock the disadvantage here: you will lose the Subscribe of your website, Conversation Rate fall, Subscriber can mark as SPAM, etc. 

Email Drip Campaign

Every CRM business should Invest in SuiteCRM Email Drip. Why?

Your organization must be au fait with the SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign (Premium) extension. Check every functionality below:

  • Starting with the splendid functionality and that is: setting the series of drip that will run at the specific period of time as per the record’s status. The drip emails will be delivered to the audience without your effort. Automation is the key advantage here. Best of all, it saves your time and boosts your CRM Business team’s productivity rather than killing it. All you need to do is match the field for scheduling the drip campaign. 
  • The Product will share the Drip Manager Dashboard. Here, a user must select the field and the module of SuiteCRM as per their requirement. You can also set the sender who will deliver the drip campaign to the audience. Remember this: This SuiteCRM product can work for all custom modules and fields.
  • The product lets you choose the email sender. You can now choose whether the admin is going to do this or a regular user in your Business. Earlier, businesses totally depended on the admin and waited for a long to deliver the drip email to the audience. We curated an optimal solution by allowing admin and regular users too for drip email sharing. 
  • The Most significant functionality: Drip Controllers. What to do in this? Drip controllers will help you to set the right Template for the audience. A user can set the appropriate time and hour and the drip emails will be delivered automatically to your audience. Anything else? One more core functionality is setting various drip controllers. It all depends on the action taken by the end number of audiences. 
  • How would you know the Status of the drip? In this plugin, a fixed dashboard is there to highlight the status of the drip. It shares insights like drip sent, in a queue, and all. Suppose if the audience unsubscribes your email then the dashboard will show you that status as well. Additionally, you can add the person directly to the drip by going to the option called “Add to Drip”.
  • The Email Drip Campaign (Premium) version will provide you with a “Recipient Activity Dashboard”. The feature is about getting important insights related to your recipients so that you can work related to that. With the use of our product, it will uncover insights such as the IP address of the recipients, all impressions, and the list goes on. 

How much to pay for this SuiteCRM Product?

Get the Lifetime updates by investing $599.00 for this extension. The product is for unlimited users and we will also provide you with a Free Product Tour service. It assists you in the Installation and Configuration of an extension. 

Bonus: You can go for a 3 Day Risk-Free Trial. First, use the product with all its cutting-edge functionalities. You can make your decision to continue using or not.

Putting it all together: Those extra dollars you saved are not worth when not investing in slick or intuitive plugins for your CRM business. The SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign plugin is a cornerstone of your business success. All you need to do is just set the predefined timing and the drips will be delivered at the right time to the right person automatically as per your record status. Build your email list now, shoot the drip emails and get engaged with the customers faster. 

Categories: CRM


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